Thursday, August 5, 2010

comparing the 2 states(Delhi & Chennai) of Chetan Bhagat

This book- 2 states by Chetan Bhagat is one of the cutest love stories i have ever read. As its written on the book itself :
Love marriages around the world are simple:
Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy.
They get married.
In India, there are a few more steps:
Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy.
Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl.
Girl's Family has to love Boy's Family. Boy's family has to love girl's family.
Girl and Boy still love each other. They get married.

So it all began in IIM Ahmadabad, two different people from two different states falling in love and then convincing their parents to approve of the marriage.
The reason why i chose this book is because in the book i can compare between the 2 states and also because i love it.So the two states are - Delhi and Chennai.The girl is from Chennai, a beautiful south indian with modern views, while the guy lives in Delhi but is basically a punjabi.

They meet in IIM Ahmadad, in the mess where shes fighting for a rasgulla.In the book its written that they used to usually go out of campus to eat in near by dhabas.To make fone calls they had to go outside the campus where they had a small telephone booth with a large que.
 In one part of the book the guy tells her not to wear shorts outside campus as the people stare which actually shows the mentality of the people there. In the book its written then when they got committed they used to almost live together,in the campus only,so there where no strict hostel rules.

Comming to the two states now, what the author writes about Chennai is that it had some usual elements of any other indian city-autos,packed buses,tiny shops along the road but all the board signs where in Tamil.the roadside had lots of posters of south indian films.Tamil women used to war flowers while as all the men wore onl;y lungis.
In the houses of Chennai people had little furniture but every thing was really clean.They sat on the floor and ate on bananna leave and they would take off their shoes before entering their homes.While in punjabi families it is totally different; lot of furniture,decorative items, crocry et.It is much more lively.

Even though both the cultures have a huge variation but despite all the differences they got together and married.

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